Friday, March 14, 2008

Interzis in UK: GHD - Thy will be done

o reclama interesanta, dar interzisa in Anglia pe motiv ca e o ofensa adusa crestinilor (detalii in Guardian si la BBC)

N-am pus din greseala versiunea franceza, clipul e in mai multe limbi, cred ca toate zic acelasi text.

Alte reclame:

Wanker - Thy will be done:

The Gospel according to GHD:

The Gospel according to GHD (Thou shall not fear):

Lost - The Gospel according to GHD(Thou shall not overreact):

Catwalk - The Gospel according to GHD (Thou shall not be jealous):

Toate reclamele sunt si pe (la rubrica Campaigns)